Monthu Ring

Monthu Ring
Monthu is a god of the sun in ancient Egypt. We can't compare our stunning Monthu Engagement Ring to the sun but it is pretty blinding. It has a lovely diamond halo and the accent diamonds on each side, more substantial than diamond pave, give it a classic look. The center is more than substantial, it's an impressive 9.4mm! It looks like a three-carat diamond but costs much less, thanks to the magic of the patented Coronet setting that makes seven diamonds look like one huge diamond. And you can stare right at it, which is good because you'll definitely want to. Take that, sun!

1.10 Total Diamond Weight
Conflict Free Round Brilliant Cut Diamonds
Diamond Color - Near Colorless (G, H, I)
Diamond Clarity - VS/SI Clarity
Coronet Patented Setting
14 Karat White Gold
Size 7
Item# FW40726D3C-300E
SKU FW40726D3C-300E
Product Type Engagement Ring


Monthu is a god of the sun in ancient Egypt. We can't compare our stunning Monthu Engagement Ring to the sun but it is pretty blinding. It has a lovely diamond halo and the accent diamonds on each side, more substantial than diamond pave, give it a classic look. The center is more than substantial, it's an impressive 9.4mm! It looks like a three-carat diamond but costs much less, thanks to the magic of the patented Coronet setting that makes seven diamonds look like one huge diamond. And you can stare right at it, which is good because you'll definitely want to. Take that, sun! 1.10 Total Diamond Weight Conflict Free Round Brilliant Cut Diamonds Diamond Color - Near Colorless (G, H, I) Diamond Clarity - VS/SI Clarity Coronet Patented Setting 14 Karat White Gold Size 7 Item# FW40726D3C-300E
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